No Life Insurance Due to Health Issues?
Looking for life insurance?
If you have a health problem or a history of a health issue, it can be challenging to obtain life insurance or similar products such as income protection.
Special Risk Managers are specialists in helping people in these circumstances, with many success stories where we have managed to secure quality life insurance for our clients.
Why Buy Life Insurance?
Life insurance is one of the foundations of a successful financial plan because it offers protection – for your family, your business, your assets and everything that you have worked for all your life.
As a business owner, you should also consider key person insurance, which will minimise the financial loss suffered if a key person dies.
Life Insurance for Your Medical Condition
Since we began trading in 2004, we have received enquiries from more than 800 financial advisers as well as many consumers, medical professionals, and others.
These enquiries vary greatly, however the vast majority are for people with illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and obesity.
Life Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions
If you have a health problem, pre-existing medical condition or a history of a health issue, it can be very hard to obtain life insurance, income protection insurance, TPD insurance or trauma insurance through the standard application processes. Special Risk Managers help people in these circumstances secure quality life insurance at affordable prices, to provide them with the ongoing protection and support they need.
We specialise in finding and obtaining life insurance for those who are struggling to get adequate cover because of circumstances beyond your control, such as being diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
Life insurance is one of the foundations of a successful financial plan because it offers protection – protection for your family, your business, your assets and everything else that you have worked for all your life. As a business owner, you should also consider key person insurance which will minimise the financial loss you would suffer if a key person died.
We can help you determine your options and try to secure the quality cover that you need, through our trusted network of reputable insurance companies and our dedication to making insurance accessible to as many Australian’s as possible.
Why Choose Special Risk Managers For Your Life Insurance?
We are solely dedicated to obtaining quality life insurance products for anyone with a serious medical condition or health issue that makes it difficult for you to secure affordable cover on your own. Here’s what else we can offer you:

A solid history of success
Have a look at our Testimonials and Customer Success Stories to see why we are so proud to be industry leaders in life insurance.

Expert and professional service
With over decades of experience both in Australia and overseas, we have built a strong reputation due to our ability and professionalism, particularly in the area of non-standard insurance policies. Our dedication to securing affordable life insurance for people who are generally considered to be uninsurable is what sets us apart from our competitors.

Assistance with a full range of pre-existing medical conditions and health issues
We work to secure all types of life insurance policies, including the more difficult types of cover such as Income Protection Insurance and Trauma Insurance. Our services are available direct to the public as well as to independent financial advisors with clients who fall into this category. Although we are naturally unable to offer any guarantee that insurance will be available, you have nothing to lose by getting an assessment from one of our advisers.

Life Insurance for YOUR Medical Condition
Since Special Risk Managers began trading in 2004, we have received enquiries from more than 800 financial advisers as well as many consumers, medical professionals and others, seeking assistance in obtaining life insurance for pre-existing medical conditions. These enquiries vary greatly in their areas of concern, however the vast majority are for people with illnesses and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, depression and obesity.
Our established network of insurance providers allows us to get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your risk insurance options. We cover all conditions and health issues from Addison’s disease to high blood pressure and everything in between.
View our full list of specific medical conditions we cover, and if you want to enquire about another illness not listed here then you can call us on 1300 665 356 or fill out our General Health Questionnaire and one of our specialist insurance advisors will get back to you as soon as possible with your risk insurance options.
Types of Life Insurance
In addition to standard life insurance policies, at Special Risk Managers we can also help you secure other types of insurance for your pre-existing medical condition or health issue such as:
Income Protection Insurance
If you are suddenly unable to work in your regular job due to injury or illness, income protection insurance will provide you and your family with a replacement income of up to 75% of your current income. It will help cover your bills and household expenses while you focus on your treatment and recovery.
TPD Insurance
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance will pay you a lump sum benefit if you become totally and permanently disabled due to illness or an accident, and you are unable to ever return to work. The TPD Insurance payout will give you the financial protection you need to cover your bills and expenses, and plan for the future.
Trauma Insurance
Trauma Insurance will pay a lump sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a critical and traumatic medical condition such as cancer, a heart attack or a stroke. Whether or not you are able to work, trauma insurance will help you cover important medical costs as well as your regular household and living expenses.

Why Should I Buy Life Insurance?
Whether you have a pre-existing medical condition or not, life insurance is necessary to care for your family and dependants, and protect your business and assets. It provides you with added financial security and peace of mind, so that your health issues won’t ever affect your loved ones or anything you’ve worked for.

Secure your finances and your family's future
Life insurance will provide you with the funds you need to pay for bills, living expenses and medical costs so that you don’t have to dip into your own savings.
If you have a family, life insurance will make sure they will always be provided for and in a stable financial position, even after you’re gone.
The benefit amount from your life insurance will help fund your family’s living expenses, household costs and your children’s education, so that you can feel secure in knowing they will always be comfortable and that their future will be taken care of.

Minimise debt
It will not only replace your income and help your family pay for any emergency expenses, but it will also cover any taxes so that they don’t have to sell any assets in order to pay them off.

Protect your business
If a key member of the business dies it will provide you with the funds your business needs to cover any business loans, cover the cost of revenue loss as well as help you purchase their shares.
Common Life Insurance Myths
If you think your pre-existing medical condition or health issues will prevent you from being able to secure quality and affordable life insurance, Special Risk Managers can prove otherwise.
Many people in this position assume that cover for their specific situation isn’t available or isn’t affordable, and in a lot of cases won’t even try to apply. But we specialise in finding and obtaining insurance products, such as heart disease insurance and diabetes insurance, for clients, so that your health condition doesn’t have to get in the way of protecting your family and assets.
Below are the most common myths about applying for life insurance when you have a pre-existing medical condition, which our strong history of success can prove wrong.

I am uninsurable
Many people with pre-existing medical conditions or chronic illnesses are led to believe that you can’t get adequate life insurance or income protection if you have long-term health problems like heart disease or diabetes, but this is far from the truth.
The life insurance industry is constantly evolving and developing new products to meet the needs of different types of people, including those with health issues.
Our large network of providers and reinsurance companies enables us to source a range of insurance products that will not only cover your medical condition but are also reasonably priced to suit your lifestyle and circumstances.

My condition won’t be covered
While it is commonly thought that exclusions will be placed on life insurance policies due to health conditions, this is rarely the case.
There are many insurance providers and many insurance products available on the market, and they all differ in their policy features, cover and limitations.
So just because one provider doesn’t offer a policy to suit you, that doesn’t mean none of them will.
Life Insurance policies will seldom have an exclusion applied to them. However, Income Protection policies may well have an exclusion applied to them should the insurer feel it to be necessary.

I will need medical tests
For a lot of people the thought of undergoing a series of medical tests is enough to put them off applying for cover.
But in many cases, even if you have a pre-existing condition, a medical exam isn’t required.
If you do have a previous health condition but you see your doctor regularly, take your prescribed medication, and your doctor’s medical report can confirm that, then you might not need to take another medical exam just to get life insurance.
Having a medical test prior to your application can also provide greater peace of mind to you, knowing that you have advised the insurer of as much information as possible before going ahead with your insurances.
Additional Life Insurance Information You Need to Know
At Special Risk Managers we are available to help you with the application process to ensure you secure the cover you need for your medical condition or health issue. Here are some helpful tips to help you choose, apply for and secure the insurance policy you want.
During your application for life insurance it is likely that the insurance provider will request the following information:

Your medical history

Family medical history

It is important that you are completely honest when answering all the questions required by the insurance provider.
You have a duty to disclose all necessary information regarding your health conditions, even if they existed 5 or more years ago. If you’re not sure of anything, you should contact your doctor or family members to get the correct information.
If you don’t disclose details of any previous or existing health conditions when you apply for cover, the policy can be cancelled or made invalid. Health insurance companies can investigate your application when you make a claim, and if they find that you didn’t disclose important details then they can deny your benefits and you will lose any premiums you have already paid, as well as find it very difficult to get cover from any other providers.
When comparing policies for life insurance make sure you carefully consider:
Any exclusions or restrictions
This can include details of any medical examinations, consultations, procedures or medications (including stimulants or sedatives) you have undergone or taken within the last 5 years.
The cost of the cover
This will vary depending on your condition, so make sure you look into a number of insurance providers and compare their quotes so you can secure the best deal.
We can help you with the entire process to make sure you fully understand your options before you make a final decision.

You can contact us at
Special Risk Managers
Special Risk Managers – Australian Life Insurances – diabetes life insurance, stroke life insurance, heart disease life insurance & high blood pressure.
1300 66 53 56
(02) 9929 4004
704/53 Walker St, North Sydney NSW 2060